Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Relaxation of Time

Humans, like all organisms of the Universe, have natural rhythm. Rhythm of blood flow, heart rate, blink blink, death and birth, day and night. This much is obvious. So why is it then, that we enslave ourselves to the precision of the mechanical clock? Forcibly imposing rigid structures where they have no place. Allowing these rigid forms to run us, around and down.

This is a great theme of the modern Mind traced back as far as you would like to go, Egypt, Greece, Europe, Caucasians, to impose the Minds Will upon the Natural Order. Herein lies a great disharmony. There can be no peace, no ease, no harmony until this conflict is rectified.

This is not to say that clocks serve no purpose, they can, they do, but as with the Mind itself, only when used flexibly. The individual then, must yet again shed a dangerous assumption, that the clock is Real. Time itself, defining Life itself, but this is not so, much of, and certainly the most crucial aspects of life, occur within the framework and regularities of Natural Time. The Body knows.

The point is always this, when you get down to it, nothing is fixed, everything comes and goes, there is no time. There is this shifting form, this one form contains it all. A clock is not time any more than the word water is drinkable. These symbols, words and clocks, mechanical and beautiful, are useful and proper, but not It. The time is now, to reclaim your nature, to reclaim the nature of all of it.

Of course, one cannot banish the clock from ones life, we must still work and live in this structured reality. The point is not to move to the mountain top, the rivers edge, the cabin in the woods, no, the point is to draw awareness closer. Draw closer ones breath, ones hearing, ones sensitivity. Push back the Tyranny of the Clock, accept its use, and know its limitations. The Middle Way it says here.