Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Relaxation of Time

Humans, like all organisms of the Universe, have natural rhythm. Rhythm of blood flow, heart rate, blink blink, death and birth, day and night. This much is obvious. So why is it then, that we enslave ourselves to the precision of the mechanical clock? Forcibly imposing rigid structures where they have no place. Allowing these rigid forms to run us, around and down.

This is a great theme of the modern Mind traced back as far as you would like to go, Egypt, Greece, Europe, Caucasians, to impose the Minds Will upon the Natural Order. Herein lies a great disharmony. There can be no peace, no ease, no harmony until this conflict is rectified.

This is not to say that clocks serve no purpose, they can, they do, but as with the Mind itself, only when used flexibly. The individual then, must yet again shed a dangerous assumption, that the clock is Real. Time itself, defining Life itself, but this is not so, much of, and certainly the most crucial aspects of life, occur within the framework and regularities of Natural Time. The Body knows.

The point is always this, when you get down to it, nothing is fixed, everything comes and goes, there is no time. There is this shifting form, this one form contains it all. A clock is not time any more than the word water is drinkable. These symbols, words and clocks, mechanical and beautiful, are useful and proper, but not It. The time is now, to reclaim your nature, to reclaim the nature of all of it.

Of course, one cannot banish the clock from ones life, we must still work and live in this structured reality. The point is not to move to the mountain top, the rivers edge, the cabin in the woods, no, the point is to draw awareness closer. Draw closer ones breath, ones hearing, ones sensitivity. Push back the Tyranny of the Clock, accept its use, and know its limitations. The Middle Way it says here.

Friday, February 4, 2011


As a result of habitual patterns of thinking and feeling, we in the West have been nearly blinded to what is often called the Mind-Body connection. It borders on ridiculous that we require scientific evidence to "prove" that the mind and the body are connected. Of course they are connected, in countless and inextricable ways. Nonetheless, the science is in. Studies on mediation, mediators and other mind-body practices resoundingly pronounce that working with our mind-state does indeed have many tangible and positive health effects on the body.


Mindfulness can be considered non-judgmental awareness of moment-to-moment experience. It is practicing sanity. Rehearsing reality orientation. Simple and effective, concrete and wise, helpful and healthy. Meditation is often called a Science of the Mind, in that one observes, without preconceptions, what is there. What arises in the mind? What triggers emotions or desires? What am "I"? This is the vanguard of exploring consciousness.

Positive health benefits of meditation include:
* Lower levels of anxiety
* Reduction in stress
* Reduction in depression
* Increase strength and vitality
* Reduction in fatigue
* Improves cognitive functions
* Slows the aging process
* High levels of activity in the parts of the brain that help to form positive emotions, such as: happiness, enthusiasm, joy, and self-control,
* Decreased levels of activity in the parts of the brain related to negative emotions like depression, self-centeredness, and a lack of happiness or satisfaction,
* A calming of the section of the brain that acts as a trigger for fear and anger,
* The ability to reach a state of inner peace even when facing extremely disturbing circumstances, and
* An unusual capacity for empathy and attunement to emotions in other people

And it goes on. But better and best of all, this data, is verifiable by you. Begin a simple practice, and discover for yourself. In a world where pharmaceutical companies spend an estimated 8 billion in advertisements, and another 8 billion in free samples to doctors, psychiatrists and hospitals, it is no surprise that mindfulness is kept secret. In a world where psychotropic drugs are handed out like candy and dissatisfaction, lethargy and apathy levels run rampant, its time to seek simple alternatives to the lifestyles we've accepted. It is time to take care of ourselves again, with preventative health practices such as meditation.

How to begin?

Get comfortable but attentive.
Follow the breath in.
Follow the breath out.
Notice your breathing slow and deepen.
When you find yourself thinking, notice that you are thinking, and come back to the breath.
Come back to the breath.

For further reading I highly recommend Thich Nhat Hanh books. He reminds us to take care of our emotions as a mother would a screaming child, gently and with care. He says:

The first function of mindfulness is to recognize, not to fight. The second function of mindfulness is that once we recognize and we embrace it. Instead of fighting, we are taking good care of experience. The third function of mindfulness is soothing, relieving. What is there, is being taken care of.

The energy of mindfulness contains the energy of concentration as well as the energy of insight. Concentration helps you to focus on just one thing. With concentration, the energy of looking becomes more powerful. Because of that, it can make a breakthrough that is insight. Insight always has the power of liberating you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mass Media/Mind Control

This is taken without permission from the excellent website Vigilant Citizen.

Go here for the full article:

The Vigilant Citizen

"Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet. Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on the population in order to discover the best techniques to influence it. From those studies emerged the science of Communications, which is used in marketing, public relations and politics. Mass communication is a necessary tool the insure the functionality of a large democracy; it is also a necessary tool for a dictatorship. It all depends on its usage."

"Walter Lippmann, an American intellectual, writer and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner brought forth one of the first works concerning the usage of mass media in America. In Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann compared the masses to a “great beast” and a “bewildered herd” that needed to be guided by a governing class. He described the ruling elite as “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.” This class is composed of experts, specialists and bureaucrats. According to Lippmann, the experts, who often are referred to as “elites,” are to be a machinery of knowledge that circumvents the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omnicompetent citizen.” The trampling and roaring “bewildered herd” has its function: to be “the interested spectators of action,” i.e. not participants. Participation is the duty of “the responsible man”, which is not the regular citizen.

Mass media and propaganda are therefore tools that must be used by the elite to rule the public without physical coercion. One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda. It is Lippmann’s opinion that the general public is not qualified to reason and to decide on important issues. It is therefore important for the elite to decide ”for its own good” and then sell those decisions to the masses."

Thus, Noam Chomsky's famous Manufacturing Consent, book and movie.

"Edward Bernays is considered to be the “father of public relations” and used concepts discovered by his uncle Sigmund Freud to manipulate the public using the subconscious. He shared Walter Lippmann’s view of the general population by considering it irrational and subject to the “herd instinct”. In his opinion, the masses need to be manipulated by an invisible government to insure the survival of democracy."

Bernays "basically created “consumerism” by creating a culture wherein Americans bought for pleasure instead of buying for survival." Hitler was infamously inspired by Bernays' book Propaganda. Perhaps one can see why:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.”
- Edward Bernays, Propaganda

"The number of corporations owning the majority of U.S. media outlets went from 50 to 5 in less than 20 years. Here are the top corporations evolving around the world and the assets they own.

AOL Time Warner owns:

* 64 magazines, including Time, Life, People, MAD Magazine and DC Comics
* Warner Bros, New Line and Fine Line Features in cinema
* More than 40 music labels including Warner Bros, Atlantic and Elektra
* Many television networks such as WB Networks, HBO, Cinemax, TNT, Cartoon Network and CNN
* Madonna, Sean Paul, The White Stripes

Viacom owns:

* CBS, MTV, MTV2, UPN, VH1, Showtime, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, TNN, CMT and BET
* Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films
* Blockbuster Videos
* 1800 screens in theaters through Famous Players

The Walt Disney Company owns:

* ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, A&E, History Channel
* Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax Film Corp., Dimension and Buena Vista International
* Miley Cyrus/ Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers

Vivendi Universal owns:

* 27% of US music sales, labels include: Interscope, Geffen, A&M, Island, Def Jam, MCA, Mercury, Motown and Universal
* Universal Studios, Studio Canal, Polygram Films, Canal +
* Numerous internet and cell phone companies
* Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Jay-Z

Sony owns:

* Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, Sony Pictures Classics
* 15% of US Music sales, labels include Columbia, Epic, Sony, Arista, Jive and RCA Records
* Beyonce, Shakira, Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera

A limited number of actors in the cultural industry means a limited amount of viewpoints and ideas making their way to the general public. It also means that a single message can easily saturate all forms of media to generate consent."

The book Media Monopoly by Ben H. Bagdikian traces the consolidation of the mass media very thoroughly and provides the historical backdrops and maneuvers, such as the Telecommunications Act of 1996, as to the who, what, how, why and when of it all.

Modern Psychology and modern Propaganda evolved together, and lacking this historical awareness, most people simply accept TV, movies, "news" and the like, without proper skepticism and without proper context. This does indeed create a "Manufactured Consent" amongst the populace. Worse, this quiet acceptance gives permission to those who would rather us mindless and controlled; to war, destroy, and manipulate nearly every human being alive, for their personal gain, profit and convenience.

Two things must result from this knowledge:

1. Spread it far and wide. Discuss it. Teach it. Stay calm and simply raise awareness, yours included.

And 2. To transform centralized and controlling power to individual and community power.

2.a: Personally, one must meditate, learn to know your own mind state. Become a scientist of your own internal landscape and end the war inside. Then you will be of use. Clear-headed and available to simply assume control over this life, for yourself and others near you.

2.b: Community, permaculture. Grow ones own supply lines. Including food, timber, medicines, jobs, economies, and culture. An infinitely richer experience awaits us all. A vast expanse of peace and harmony is vibrating just beyond our perception. Collectively, we can achieve true bliss. We must accept nothing less, and work to make it so.

Hip Hop

Hip Hop has been, of course, com-modified by main stream media and redressed as mindless shucking and jiving entertainment by black folks for a white audience. Not much has changed America. Football, basketball, music and inner city culture kept straight-on as racist relics from the past, only here to stay. Regardless, real hip hop, like real punk and rock and roll, is subversive to power and authority and speaks the truth of people's struggles, injustice and inequality. With no allegiance to the status quo, corporate sponsors, or political correctness, and no bull-shit image to project, real music can still save souls from disillusionment, apathy and isolation. Amen. Praise Jesus!

Dig it:

Dead Prez sayz,

"...I sick of that fake thug, R & B
Rap scenario all day on the radio
Same scenes in the video, monotonous material
Y'all don't here me though
These record labels slang our tapes like dope
You can be next in line, and signed
And still be writing rhymes and broke
You would rather have a Lexus or justice
A dream or some substance
A Beamer, a necklace or freedom"

CunninLynguists lists,

"I live in a nation that relies on business and crime
And the leaders are politician guys livin' a lie
Who bullshit like everyone else for a nickel and dime
America ... just as corrupt as it is online
Using freedom and entertainment just to keep us sedated"

Bop Alloy, not shallow,

"The world weeps casue we'd rather be at war,
then provide health benefits to the poor,
...the crisis is elevated for the mis-educated
some of our schools are developing fools,
with the help of the media turned into tools,
...greed has turned honest men into liars,
profit off destruction and desperation..."

Mr. Lif, will shift,

"We're out of limit now, enough is enough, you're sitting on billions of dollars,
but what about us?
No health-care, just enough change to ride the motherfucking bus,
but what about us?
Our biggest mistake was giving you trust, you live in plus,
'n you don't give a fuck about us.
One government, one world motto,"in God we trust,"

Canibus, trust,

"We pursue an illusion that isn't real
P-12 psychics taking red pills to produce thrills
Than predicting a coin toss a hundred times to prove skill
Telekinetic electro-genetic psyonic weapon
With extra-sensory perception of precognitive method
That's why I can rhyme with consistence
Indisputable evidence repeatable on the street or in studio session
I am sorry if you feel I am refusing your questions
That's not my intention, my mind is in a higher dimension..."

"But what about us?"

How Is It?

The cowardliness of silence in front of horrendous truths.

That is all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Free information exposes ones own boundaries. Where do you draw the line? I have many walls, many things that I do not consider, many things that I prefer for conditioned and habitual reasons. But I try to expand my mind.

Haven't heard this one that much yet.

Nor this one.

Some people have a distaste for Tami Simon's voice or approach, in that she sounds a little too NPR-soft tones-sensitive type, but upon further inquiry, she proves a very excellent questionnaire and listener. Her guest's range from out of body experts, to cancer healers, from meditation to trauma experts. Just excellent quality throughout. I've found some guest's have turned me off for some reason or another, but I simply skip it, and move on to the next ten or fifteen amazing and thoughtful interview.

A permaculture related podcast with another excellent host, Frank Aragona. Really excellent old interviews with legends, Bill Mollison, Paul Staments, and P.A. Yeomans. Have a listen and learn about the land.

Another permaculture podcast. Used to be Explorations in Permaculture out of Cali. Not my favorite host, though I have grown to love her particular charms, she occasionally comes off a little hippy. Worth the effort, which is minimal.
Sustainable World

21st century Buddhism with yet another excellent host, founder, Ethan Nictern. He is young-ish but has a clear mind and a sharp focus while leading his group through discussions on the perils and peculiarities of modern living, through the lens of Buddhist wisdom and precepts of the Shambala tradition. Great resource to get to know other excellent Buddhist practitioners.
Interdependence Project

Deconstruct media with two entertaining, researched and experienced TV and radio men. Do not be fooled, No Agenda has agendas. One being to expose and hypothesize on the real meaning behind group media messages. Notice the symbols and the propaganda techniques used to program consent into the public mind. Good, fun, and sly show.
No Agenda


Marc Maron is the best comedian to interview other comedians to be found and WTF is the place to hear em. His interest in history and personal struggles serves him very well when interviewing Robin Williams, Louis C.K., Patton Oswald, and even Dane Cook. Plus a hundred or so other amazing road warrior comics. Check out Patrice O'neal, Stewart Lee, and Mike Defastano for real heart touching and/or mind blowing conversations. Plus, you get many of the Mr. Show comics, so, you know.

I recommend Doug Loves Movies for funny, laid back comedy sometimes based around movies.
I recommend The Nerdist.
Comedy Death Ray,
and the Pod F. Tomcast
for funnies.

Free knowledge. Once you buy your iPod, computer, headphones, car hook-up, pay your energy bill...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

2 things for sure

2 things to get straight: people are people. all suffer, nothing else bonds us like that. propaganda is everywhere. its been studied and refined, our feelings and thoughts are conditioned. media most evidently. to conclude: people suffer and people are manipulated.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food Stuffs and Land Use

Lumped firmly in the Solutions category is Permaculture, with its emphasis on local food production and sensible energy designs. I have recently found a torrent of this book: Permaculture: A Designers Manual by Bill Mollison, Australian founder of permaculture, and suggest highly, that you too find it too. As well, Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser and the Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan are crucial reads to getting a sense of the industrial food systems; their extreme inefficiency and waste patterns, and the unholy terror exacted upon the animals, dirt systems, water systems, workers, and consumers of their uniform, bland product. Joel Salatin also provides us his hands-on multi-generational wisdom in You Can Farm and Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal.

Nothing can replace the reading experience and its fully imaginative powers, but videos are immediate and can implore the curious mind to seek the written word. So let this be a repository of resources regarding better and local ways to tend to our own health and the health of that which contains us all.

Bill Mollison:

Joel Salatin:

Michael Pollan:

Vandana Shiva:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Communicating and Great Themes

The Great Themes of this Dying Age are everywhere. They ooze out of televisions' marketing blitz and blare out of our stereos. They are the unknown agents in our chickens and cows and the unknowing agents intentionally produced through industrial schooling. There is the political two-party system that is laughably disassociated from the people's voice, with its perverted electoral college and federal reserve. There are the bloated, hidden cities that are American prisons, a product of the capital ethic and its rigid focus and ruthless morals. There remains the expansion of the American military machine and its 700 plus military bases in every corner of the globe. There is the great swirling trash vortex in the Pacific and the Gulf dead zone. Mountain top "mining" remains an acceptable form of industry "progress", as the streams and valley's absorb the obvious and natural brunt of this violence. Pharmaceutical companies dump inorganic waste, chemicals, and antibiotics into the human population which then flows straight into the ground waters, causing unknown and vast chemical disturbances, absorbed by all life-forms on Earth. The Cancer is all around us, in fact, cancer rates soar. Autism and depression rise. Obesity and human population boom like the "good times" will never end. Urban ugly sprawl. Cell phones and laptops zap our bodies with waves of electrical energy and we spend our days in cars, headphones and pods careening at ever faster rates. Isolated beings from self and other, from body and nature, and from ones own power, energy, and agency.

Looming ever background, are the Answers. Sociologists, linguists, and anthropologists have come to the same conclusions as physicists, mathematicians, and Eastern systems of thought; that culture and self are constructs, shifting regularities, not constant and therefor changeable, and wildly manipulatable. We know so many answers and have so much access to the Great Truths of the Human Experience and the Great Sea of Space, yet we do not teach the wisdom of our ancestors, we do not connect the old truths with the new truths, we do not synthesis these into our current reality, whereupon we should redress the old wisdom in contemporary language and de-mythologize how we think about Spirit, Religion, God and Energy. Instead, we get caught in words, symbols and manipulations, forgetting to extract the essence of the knowable human condition. We hold these powerful seeds, but withhold the necessary watering, preventing our becoming, fully human. For the necessary balance of spirit, mind and body, there are the Contemplative Traditions, most succinctly and fluidly expressed through the Buddhist teachings: sophisticated and balanced mindfulness of self (mind) and other (body). Largely, if not solely, our myriad problems, fall into one domain, pedagogy (all the forms learning takes). Faulty education has been rethought and reconsidered numerous times and no matter the form(s) that any of the solutions take, the key focus to real, functional, non-authoritarian education, is on the empowerment of the individuals' own agency. This is essentially creating and expanding the tools of critical thought, awareness of self (mind) and other (body), in order that, he or she can fully express themselves, and skillfully avoid the manipulations of cultural "common sense" or mind control (psychological slight of hand) methods, which attempt to suppress and co-opt ones full power and true potential. The power to grow, cultivate, love, change, think, feel, imagine, forgive. To frame his or her critical thinking within the basic recognition of the Interdependency of all life in the Great System that we all share, and depend upon, for our expression as awake, alive: this, is the role of education. School as we accept it today leaves us essentially tool-less to become anything more than a repeat of our inherited, narrow, and hostile cultural assumptions.

The work of this blog is to teach, expose, expand, and dialogue (thought that is a rare privilege) about the nature of our existential experience and the nature of our daily Work, and we have work to do. I try to not talk down or be condescending, I take seriously the role of explaining things better or from different points of view, if and when confusion should arise. I want you to teach me. I try to keep my ego out of it, but I am, in so many very specific ways, not a perfect human and I may offend, I may lash out, or speak in reactionary ways but this is the nature of challenging, gently, opinions and beliefs. The less precious we are to holding on to our beliefs, the better off we are. Let the old ones go and take more into consideration, take it all into consideration, but critically so, mindfully so.

I oftentimes think of blogs or facebook as tools of teaching. Certainly they are media, but all media has a point of view, and as the new keyword of the day will become, transparency is central to media: who is telling me that there was "collateral damage" in a Somalian air raid, or where does the money source of facebook, for instance, originate? Actually, facebook was a product of Harvard students and was initially an Ivy league forum, as well, the owner Mark Zuckerberg, has refused LARGE sums of money to sell his baby to Google and others. Regardless, I would most like this blog to become reference points in your intellectual and spiritual (even as this word sags under its own weight) journey, a place to learn and teach others from, and another place to establish symbiosis with curious people, so that the learning and the growing may never end, from all directions at once.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cosmic Calendar

"Intelligence and knowledge"

From the excellent show Cosmos. Available on Hulu.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Today and the Other One


I wake up and I look around, and wonder, where is our wisdom? How many epochs of grandparents, babies, fathers, mothers, brothers, neighbors have there been? Yet we have no tangible tools to live well by. No output of healthy, whole societies. No cessation of suffering. No grace of movement. Do we live to learn to die and relearn the same lessons, foolishly chasing an incomplete dream?

We all live as motherless children. Making big messes and crying so very loud because its all so wrong, and like children, we don't know how to fix it. We need a wise one, and a wise way to live on, atop the surface of a iron and oxygen planet, common elements in the known universe, hurling away from every given object at the rate of six hundred thousand kilometers per second, like this.

We need to loosen our concepts of how we understand the "real world" in order to gain real wisdom. We need far more contemplation and awe at just this state of being that we find ourselves in. The scope of everything, the meaning of every day, every breathe, is so much greater than we daily realize.

And what of time?

How insignificant we may seem, but how absolutely life affirming that we are here right this very second, and that we do know, to some extent, the scope of time, space, and consciousness, enough anyway, to be wide-eyed awestruck.


Perhaps a more intimate discourse would illuminate, to cast light on areas bathed in shadow. We must live in this now, for we are here. We must shed ideologies, and these simplistic grids of understanding, that will never and can never contain the subtle forms of nature, that give us the illusion of safety. We must shine out a new way forth, for what other way can there be?

A lot of these videos are of some length, rather than start at the beginning, I suggest watching a random slice at a time.

Notice how the deeper you look, the more the natural world provides this answer, that there is no one way, no fixed, no static, no rock of truth. But, this does not loose us wisdom. For this may be the wisdom we are under search for, if indeed we are in search. What can be taught, oh natural world?

There exists an ethnosphere. A swath of beautiful extrapolations of the human theme, that can, if we are of a curious mind, expand our own concept of self. For isn't there so much more than what we have been told, in every dimension?


There also exists, real world, tried and true, fundamental knowledge of this seemingly unknowable experience. The most practical and alien, to the Western mind's concepts of life, living, and dying, can be gleaned from our "other", the Eastern Way. Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, Mystic Sects, have so much to say, about the daily living, of human beings.

Yet still, we live in a fashion. A passing fade with all the confidence of a teenager.


Strange, isn't it, that we know all this, yet we live in a world where we allow for millions of people, to live all alone, isolated on the streets, scrounging. Boxed slaves are imprisoned by the million. So called, mentally ill, whom could just as easily be called the mentally visionary, are treated as inconveniences, as we skirt on in self important ways, ignoring the real in pursuit of the fake. Youth and seniors alike are squandered and shelved as insignificant pre and post consumers. And war provides us waste: people, animals, minerals, grass, soil, trees, rivers and energy be damned.

Well surely the rock of truth is America the Great, no?. For we are all told that this country stands as the great light of the world, and of the very fate of people-hood. But so quickly does history teach us a different truth. The lesson that is unfortunately inconsistent with what we've been told, is that these men of lore, their words, their ways, fall far short of respectable, acceptable patterns of behavior.

War has rippled on for far too long? But, perhaps we don't focus enough on the destruction of human ways. Our direct focus flits past, like those aforementioned homeless, we know, we know, but look away. No, we must look directly into the consequence of the modern man's ways, to know, that this cannot be the way. The examples are more numerous than scarce.


In our daily living we must carry, transmit, and receive direct experience. There may be systems, but systems are not it. It is it.

There is no container that will hold the answer, the answer is improvised, every time. But to improvise free from weak, inherited, and incomplete models of thinking, language, and behavior, is the only way to play the "right" notes. For the game is upon us, we must play, but shall we follow the real "rules", or make up interpretive systems that distort and confuse the ever shifting drama?

Language, systems, technology, science, institutions can be the masters of your individual experience, or the servants, but currently, they shape you, they shape us, not the other way around. There are better systems, there are real solutions, but you must begin to transmit the change now. The only other option, is passive acceptance of the Foolish Way, only to pass on your passive acceptance to your children, and theirs.