Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Art of Art

This video has further deepened my desire to create a series of art pieces based around the destruction of property.

What if this video is a fake? An elaborate design in deception and pure joy of destruction? Or perhaps it is a real artifact of surveillance and the accidental. Either way, I envision similarly short, silent videos of slow motion explosions of NAMELESS CORPORATION (trademark, copyright, owned and static) in the middle of the night. One grenade, two, dynamite, land mines, they could all be used.

Imagine a low fi surveillance style video with grainy resolution and low aperture. Placed twenty feet high, off center from the frame, but well lit. A patient moment or two transpire, until from the silence a violent explosion of window panes, corporate logos and cheap building materials rise up and out into a fiery ball of shrapnel and patterned chaos. The video hue and saturation purposely drenched and filtered, creating distorted images, heavily layered images.

Also, imagine extremely high def, well lit and crisp images of the same scenes, highly detailed images and vivid attention to detail. These images can exist, and should, for any and all formats of video reproduction.

Basically, our very suburban ambiance and surveillance subject to destruction and violent impermanence. What titillating images these would make. Semis driving into structural foundations of banks at night. CAT's digging wildly at the artifice of TRADEMARK. Heavenly destruction of unholy designs. Ah, the redemption.

Or maybe these aren't art pieces at all. Maybe they have a resonance and a political point or not. Maybe they feel religious in nature, or revolutionary. To me, they represent the latent reaction of the people, who have for so long been the subject of overwhelming dominance. Now they fight back. Call it art, call it life. Even the writing of it, makes certain truths heard. Silent no longer. Consider it real. It happened in this blog, in your imagination.

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