Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food Stuffs and Land Use

Lumped firmly in the Solutions category is Permaculture, with its emphasis on local food production and sensible energy designs. I have recently found a torrent of this book: Permaculture: A Designers Manual by Bill Mollison, Australian founder of permaculture, and suggest highly, that you too find it too. As well, Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser and the Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan are crucial reads to getting a sense of the industrial food systems; their extreme inefficiency and waste patterns, and the unholy terror exacted upon the animals, dirt systems, water systems, workers, and consumers of their uniform, bland product. Joel Salatin also provides us his hands-on multi-generational wisdom in You Can Farm and Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal.

Nothing can replace the reading experience and its fully imaginative powers, but videos are immediate and can implore the curious mind to seek the written word. So let this be a repository of resources regarding better and local ways to tend to our own health and the health of that which contains us all.

Bill Mollison:

Joel Salatin:

Michael Pollan:

Vandana Shiva:

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