Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hip Hop

Hip Hop has been, of course, com-modified by main stream media and redressed as mindless shucking and jiving entertainment by black folks for a white audience. Not much has changed America. Football, basketball, music and inner city culture kept straight-on as racist relics from the past, only here to stay. Regardless, real hip hop, like real punk and rock and roll, is subversive to power and authority and speaks the truth of people's struggles, injustice and inequality. With no allegiance to the status quo, corporate sponsors, or political correctness, and no bull-shit image to project, real music can still save souls from disillusionment, apathy and isolation. Amen. Praise Jesus!

Dig it:

Dead Prez sayz,

"...I sick of that fake thug, R & B
Rap scenario all day on the radio
Same scenes in the video, monotonous material
Y'all don't here me though
These record labels slang our tapes like dope
You can be next in line, and signed
And still be writing rhymes and broke
You would rather have a Lexus or justice
A dream or some substance
A Beamer, a necklace or freedom"

CunninLynguists lists,

"I live in a nation that relies on business and crime
And the leaders are politician guys livin' a lie
Who bullshit like everyone else for a nickel and dime
America ... just as corrupt as it is online
Using freedom and entertainment just to keep us sedated"

Bop Alloy, not shallow,

"The world weeps casue we'd rather be at war,
then provide health benefits to the poor,
...the crisis is elevated for the mis-educated
some of our schools are developing fools,
with the help of the media turned into tools,
...greed has turned honest men into liars,
profit off destruction and desperation..."

Mr. Lif, will shift,

"We're out of limit now, enough is enough, you're sitting on billions of dollars,
but what about us?
No health-care, just enough change to ride the motherfucking bus,
but what about us?
Our biggest mistake was giving you trust, you live in plus,
'n you don't give a fuck about us.
One government, one world motto,"in God we trust,"

Canibus, trust,

"We pursue an illusion that isn't real
P-12 psychics taking red pills to produce thrills
Than predicting a coin toss a hundred times to prove skill
Telekinetic electro-genetic psyonic weapon
With extra-sensory perception of precognitive method
That's why I can rhyme with consistence
Indisputable evidence repeatable on the street or in studio session
I am sorry if you feel I am refusing your questions
That's not my intention, my mind is in a higher dimension..."

"But what about us?"

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